Does it seem like your company’s inter-department executive teams are often focused on varying and differing priorities? Many times, these department execs participate in executive meetings with these differing views on company priorities creating needless discussions on what is truly necessary to drive the business forward.
A company’s inability to create internal alignment within its departments is generally the root cause of this failure. Alignment amongst the team is accomplished through the overall business strategy. The true challenge involves the people. The first step is to make sure there is alignment between the business strategy and the company’s mission, vision and values. If this is out of alignment you will create a dysfunctional company.
The second step to the solution requires everyone within the organization to understand the business strategy and what their unique role is for implementing that strategy.
At the executive level – time is critical. Taking the proper business strategy and creating the company’s objectives is a very important transition step into effective executive management. When you fully integrate business objectives within all of the departments of the company you will ensure your company’s success moving forward. Having a focus on both the business objective process and the tools necessary to motivate the employee base will make the company’s business strategy successful and generate greater profitability.
One very critical observation from Open Air’s years of experience is the importance of line of sight. Line of sight in reference to the business strategy is showing how each and every employee affects the performance of the company. If an employee can see their impact to the company it will improve their level of performance.
We will guide you through this process of developing the business strategy and then cascading the strategy into aligned company and individual objectives. These company and individual objectives will then be linked into the performance management process for the company.